The goal of this site (Auction House Archives) is to track every card sold in the auction house in-game (Skylords Reborn). Every 20 minutes, the archive gets a list of every card in the auction house by using the auction API. This list is then compared to the archive database.
For more information about recent updates please refer to this forum post.
If the card is not yet in the archive database, then it is added with a status of "Listed". The auction start time is set to the time it was added to the archive database, and the auction end time is approximated based on how much time the auction has left (example: if an auction was set to end in 2 hours, then the end time will be set to about 2 hours after the auction was added to the archive database). If the card is already in the database, then we update its bid and buyout prices, and if its bid price is higher than what it was last time we checked, then we set its status to "ActiveBid".
Thus, cards that are in both the in-game auction house and the archives will have a status of "Listed" or "ActiveBid".
After we have added/updated cards in the archive with the cards in the auction house, we then check to see if there are any cards in the archive which are no longer in the auction house.
If such a card had a status of "ActiveBid", then its status will move to "Sold" after it is no longer in the auction house. Its "Sold For" price will be set to its bid price if the current time is after the auction end time. Otherwise, its "Sold For" price will be set to its buyout price.
If such a card had a status of "Listed", then its status will move to "NotSold" if the current time is after the auction end time. Otherwise, its status will move to "Bought/Cancelled" and its "Sold For" price will be set to its buyout price.
Thus, cards that are in the archive and no longer in the in-game auction house will have a status of "Sold", "NotSold", or "Bought/Cancelled".
Cards Page
On the cards page, you should see every card which exists in the game. Below it is the card's name. Also, below that is the minimum (Min), average (Avg), and maximum (Max) the card has sold for. These values are calculated only using cards in the archive from the past month with a status of "Sold". You can also search for cards using various attributes (see below for more information on searching).
On a specific card page (like Abomination), you can filter the card instances by when they were added to the archive (i.e. "Auction Start Time") and by their status. Below that the demand for a card is shown. It is calculated by taking the count of cards sold (status of "Sold" or "Bought/Cancelled") divided by the count of cards (status of "Sold", "Bought/Cancelled", or "NotSold"). The demand value for a card is then compared to the archive demand (count of all cards sold divided by count of all cards). You can also view an overview table which groups the card instances by status. The statuses are then broken down into Count (how many card instances have that status), Min (lowest "Sold For" price if status is "Sold" or "Bought/Cancelled", otherwise lowest "Bid Price" is shown), Avg (average "Sold For" price if status is "Sold" or "Bought/Cancelled", otherwise average "Bid Price" is shown), and Max (highest "Sold For" price if status is "Sold" or "Bought/Cancelled", otherwise highest "Bid Price" is shown). Below the overview table, every card instance which matches the filters are shown in both graphical ("Sold For"/"Bid Price" vs "Auction Start Time") and tabular format. Clicking a point in the graph will scroll to it in the table.
Deals Page
On the deals page, we list out cards which we think could be selling for a good deal in the auction house. A good deal is any card whose buyout or bid price is lower than the threshold percentage (default is 60%) of their average "Sold For" price for cards with a status of "Sold" within the past month. For example, if a card's average "Sold For" price is 1000 and if the threshold percentage is 60%, only cards currently selling for less than 600 will be displayed. In other words, the lower the threshold value, the better the deal, but it will return less results. Likewise, a higher threshold value will display more results, but the deal might not be as good. The suggestion is simply which price (buyout or bid) is lower than the average. If both are lower than the average, then buyout is suggested.
You can use the search input box to filter the cards/deals pages. Below is a list of the possible attributes you can search by (based on values tracked in all cards callout for auction house api). If none are given, then we attempt to use every attribute to check for search results.
- cardName - the name of the card
- cardId - the id of the card (used in auction API)
- rarity - rarity of the card - possible values are: [ 'Rare', 'Ultra Rare', 'Uncommon', 'Common' ]
- expansion - which expansion the card was in - possible values are: [ undefined, 'Amii', 'Lost Souls', 'Rebirth' ]
- promo - is this card a promo card - possible values are: [ 'No', 'Yes' ]
- obtainable - can this card be obtained by booster packs - possible values are: [ 'In packs', 'Not in packs' ]
- fireOrbs - fire orbs requirement for this card - possible values are: [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 ]
- frostOrbs - frost orbs requirement for this card - possible values are: [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 ]
- natureOrbs - nature orbs requirement for this card - possible values are: [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 ]
- shadowOrbs - shadow orbs requirement for this card - possible values are: [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 ]
- neutralOrbs - neutral orbs requirement for this card - possible values are: [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 ]
- affinity - what affinity does this card have - possible values are: [ 'Frost', 'Shadow', 'Fire', 'Nature', 'None' ]
- cardType - what type is this card - possible values are: [ 'Twilight', 'Nature','Stonekin', 'Shadow', 'Neutral', 'Amii', 'Frost', 'Bandit', 'Fire', 'Lost Soul' ]
Multiple search attributes can be combined by using the '&' character. Some example searches are below:
- "cardName:Twilight" will return cards whose name contains 'Twilight'.
- "cardType:Twilight" will return cards whose type contains 'Twilight'.
- "fireOrbs:1&neutralOrbs:0&shadowOrbs:0&natureOrbs:0&frostOrbs:0" will return tier one fire cards.
API (For Developers)
Want to use the data in the archive for your own project? Below is a list of possible GET endpoints you can use. All data is returned in JSON format. Times are represented based on the JavaScript getTime() method. Please make sure to prepend https://auction-house-archives.fly.dev/api in each endpoint.
- /cards/info - returns information about the all of the cards tracked in the archive
- Query Parameters: N/A
- Example Call: https://auction-house-archives.fly.dev/api/cards/info
- This call will return attributes for the cards in the archive. Based on https://hub.backend.skylords.eu/api/auctions/cards?id=all
- /cards/status - returns the number of cards in each status in the archive
- Query Parameters:
- startTime - optional (defaults to 0) - auction start times greater than this value will be used to calculate the number of cards in each status
- endTime - optional (defaults to the time the call was made) - auction start times less than this value will be used to calculate the number of cards in each status
- Example Call: https://auction-house-archives.fly.dev/api/cards/status?startTime=1611464400000&endTime=1611550800000
- This call will return the number of cards in each status on January 24th.
/cards/stats - returns statistics (Min, Avg, Max) of every card with a status of 'Sold' for the past month
- Example Call: https://auction-house-archives.fly.dev/api/cards/stats
/card/stats - returns statistics (Count, Min, Avg, Max) of a specific card grouped by status for the specified time range
- Query Parameters:
- id - required - the id of the card to return stats for
- startTime - optional (defaults to 0) - auction start times greater than this value will be used to calculate the statistics
- endTime - optional (defaults to the time the call was made) - auction start times less than this value will be used to calculate the statistics
- Example Call: https://auction-house-archives.fly.dev/api/card/stats?id=1561&startTime=1611464400000&endTime=1611550800000
- This call will return stats for card of id 1561 for January 24th.
/card - returns every instance of a card in the archive for the specified time range
- Query Parameters:
- id - required - the id of the card to return stats for
- startTime - optional (defaults to 0) - auction start times greater than this value will be used to return card instances
- endTime - optional (defaults to the time the call was made) - auction start times less than this value will be used to return card instances
- Example Call: https://auction-house-archives.fly.dev/api/card?id=1561&startTime=1611464400000&endTime=1611550800000
- This call will return the instance of every card of id 1561 in the archive database for January 24th. Below is a description of the various keys returned:
- card_id - the id of the card
- status - the current status of the card
- sold_for - the amount the card sold for. Cards currently in the auction house will not have this key populated
- card_name - the name of the card
- ending_in - the amount of time the card is ending in (based on auction house values)
- auction_id - the id of the auction
- buyout_price - the buyout price
- processed_at - the time in which a card moved from the auction house (status of "Listed", "ActiveBid") into the archive (status of "Sold", "NotSold", "Bought/Cancelled"). Thus, cards currently in the auction house will not have this key populated
- current_price - the current bid price of the card
- starting_price - the starting bid price of the card
- auction_end_time - the approximated auction end time
- initial_duration - the first endingIn time the archive received
- auction_start_time - the time the card was added to the archive
- create_time - the time the card was created in the archive. The date time is returned in yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss format (example: 2021-02-06T17:20:20.74188)
- update_time - the time the card was last updated in the archive. The date time is returned in yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss format (example: 2021-02-06T17:20:20.74188)
- id - the internal id used in the archive
/deals - returns statistics for every instance of a card which is currently a deal
- Query Parameters:
- threshold - optional (defaults to 60) - the threshold percentage to determine if a card is a deal or not
- Example Call: https://auction-house-archives.fly.dev/api/deals?threshold=75
- This call will return the instance of every card whose "Sold For" average for cards with a status of "Sold" is 75% or less than their current selling price. Below is a description of the various keys returned:
- id - the id of the card
- auction_id - the id for the card in the auction house
- current_price - the card's current bid price
- buyout_price - the card's buyout price
- auction_end_time - the approximated auction end time
- average - the card's average "Sold For" price within the past month for card's with a status of "Sold"
- reason - which price (Buyout or Bid) is lower than the average. If both are lower than the average, then Buyout is used